Multiprotexion Mister High Security Driver contest
After the great success of "Multiprotexion Lady High Security Driver 2021", the first contest aimed to award the best female driver that has better followed our security procedures in TELEMATIC ESCORT®, as promised the male version of the contest is on its way.
We will monitor the behaviour of the drivers throughout the year to determine, at the end of 2022, who mostly abided by our security procedures. The winner will be declared “Multiprotexion Mister High Security Driver 2022” and awarded with a special prize.
Our Managing Director, Francesco Giannini, states: “Having perfectly functioning systems and procedures is the basis for doing well our job, but having drivers who know how to apply our processes correctly is equally important. A driver who respects our security rules is almost sure he will reach his destination without risks for himself and for the transported goods. Let us remember that drivers, by correctly following our directives, not only protect what they transport, but above all they don’t put their lives at risk. This is such a fundamental concept that we decided to highlight it, even though in a light and nice way”.
We will monitor the behaviour of the drivers throughout the year to determine, at the end of 2022, who mostly abided by our security procedures. The winner will be declared “Multiprotexion Mister High Security Driver 2022” and awarded with a special prize.
Our Managing Director, Francesco Giannini, states: “Having perfectly functioning systems and procedures is the basis for doing well our job, but having drivers who know how to apply our processes correctly is equally important. A driver who respects our security rules is almost sure he will reach his destination without risks for himself and for the transported goods. Let us remember that drivers, by correctly following our directives, not only protect what they transport, but above all they don’t put their lives at risk. This is such a fundamental concept that we decided to highlight it, even though in a light and nice way”.